In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, users of the site: are informed of the identity of the various parties involved in its creation and monitoring.
SNPRM (Syndicat National des Professionnels de la Relocalisation et de la Mobilité)
105-109 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré
75008 PARIS
SIRET NUMBER: 494 778 574 00033
Editor-in-Chief and Director of Publication: Martine Di Pietra, President of SNPRM
Designer and director
Agence Euphorie
22 avenue Edouard VII
64000 PAU
Telephone: +33 (0)5 59 11 07 07
Technoparkstrasse 3
8 406 Winterthour
Telephone: +41 22 820 35 55/35 44
The storage of the Users’ personal data is carried out exclusively on the data centres (‘clusters’) located in the member states of the European Union of the company Infomaniak.
Data Protection Act
The nominative files that are the subject of computerised processing on this site will be declared to the Commission Nationale Informatique et Liberté (CNIL declaration receipt no. 1588254 of 21 May 2012).
In accordance with the provisions of Law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 as amended, the user has the right to access, modify and delete information collected by the SNPRM.
To exercise this right, the user should send a message to the following address:
Hyperlinks and cookies
The hypertext links set up within the framework of this website leading to other sites on the Internet network shall not render the SNPRM liable with regard to their content or the links they contain, as well as their operating conditions (in particular the management of personal data, etc.). The possibility of establishing simple hypertext links to the website requires prior agreement from the SNPRM. Any deep hypertext link or link using the ‘framing’ technique (displaying a page in a frame within another site) is prohibited.
Non-personal data is collected during your browsing for statistical purposes, through a system of cookies. These files stored on your computer enable the SNPRM to record information relating to your browsing activity on the site (pages consulted, date and time of consultation). In no case does this data allow us to identify you, it is only used to help us to offer you easier access to the services offered and to improve this site. You can prevent cookies from being stored by configuring your browser according to the procedures detailed on the website of the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (
Website content
Website content
The SNPRM cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision, updating or completeness of the information made available on this site. Consequently, the SNPRM declines all responsibility for any imprecision, inaccuracy or omission in the information available on this site.
Intellectual property and counterfeiting
The SNPRM is the owner of the intellectual property rights or holds the rights of use on all the elements accessible on the site, in particular the texts, images, graphics, logos, icons, sounds and software.
Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of all or part of the elements of the site, whatever the means or process used, is forbidden, unless prior written authorisation is obtained from the SNPRM.
Any unauthorised use of the site or of any of the elements it contains will be considered as constituting an infringement and will be prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of articles L.335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Photo credits: Adobe stock (royalty-free licences), Agence Euphorie, SNPRM
Exemption from technical liability
The SNPRM undertakes to make every effort to ensure that the website is accessible at all times. Nevertheless, the SNPRM disclaims all liability in the event of difficulty in accessing its site or interruptions in the connection, irrespective of the causes. The SNPRM reserves the right to make any changes to the site that it deems necessary, without prior notice, even if access to the site is interrupted as a result. Furthermore, the SNPRM cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damage, including inaccessibility of the site, loss of data, deterioration, destruction or viruses that may affect your computer equipment, and/or the presence of viruses on its site. You acknowledge that you have checked that the computer configuration used does not contain any virus and is in perfect working order.